When you do a quick internet search of ‘acupuncture near me,’ chances are that Acupuncture Brisbane tops the list. Our services are a natural approach to many ailments among children and adults, including fertility issues, stress, anxiety, sports injuries, eye diseases, and immune deficiencies. There are many benefits to supplementing your treatment plan with acupuncture. Keep reading, so you know what to expect from your acupuncture treatments in our clinic.
Few Side Effects
Because acupuncture is a natural treatment, there aren’t as many side effects to worry about as there are with medicine and other traditional methods of treatment. You may experience a bit of pain and bruising where the acupuncture needles are inserted, but in general, most patients don’t experience any side effects after having the treatment. This is great for children, but also benefits adults as well.
Can Be Combined with Other Treatments
Since acupuncture doesn’t involve using any medicine or the like, it’s very easy to combine with other methods of treatment. In fact, many people find that adding acupuncture to their existing treatment plan helps with a variety of symptoms and complaints. Never replace your doctor’s orders with acupuncture, but it’s worth discussing as a component. We offer acupuncture for many issues and are happy to incorporate it into your current treatment plan.
It’s Great for Pain
One of the biggest perks of using acupuncture is how it can alleviate pain associated with a vast array of health issues. That includes injuries as well as pain related to stress and anxiety and pain that goes with cancer, fibromyalgia, stiff neck, dental problems, arthritis, ulcers and migraine headaches. It’s a fantastic alternative for patients who cannot handle traditional methods of pain relief, such as medications.
Treats Many Conditions Simultaneously
Many people love acupuncture for how it makes them feel. It helps alleviate a wide range of symptoms that go with many health problems. For example, when using acupuncture for anxiety, you’ll probably notice less stress, but you may also experience a loosening of bunched muscles, fewer headaches, an overall higher sense of wellbeing and better sleep. Many people also notice that acupuncture improves the condition of their skin, even if that’s not the initial motivation behind the treatment. Being able to treat multiple issues at once is part of what makes acupuncture so accessible.
Call Acupuncture Brisbane to arrange an appointment to meet any of your health needs.